Luperon to Georgetown photos
Here are some pictures from the last two weeks including:
Luperon to Samana Cay (250 miles)
Samana Cay, Bahamas
Samana Cay to Georgetown (130 miles) Street scenes from Luperon.
Laisa's Pica Pollo in Luperon; our favorite creole style lunch place: stewed chicken, pork or beef, rice beans salad, cold water.
laundry hanging to dry in Luperon.
Wildflowers on the outskirts of Luperon with the mountains in the background.
a Dominican tomato.
One of the produce markets in Luperon.
Hans reefs the mainsail at sunset. We've been taking two reefs in the main at sunset every doesn't slow us down too much and ensures that we won't have to do any deckwork at night
See no evil, hear no evil...are we there yet?
Self-portrait at sunrise. Halfway between Mayaguana and Samana Cay.
Fresh produce from the DR meets lobster from Samana Cay to make a fabulous salad.
A wild orchid on Samana Cay (we think!).
We attempted to follow a trail across the island, got hopelessly lost and had to bushwhack (Rod Miller style) back to the beach; our legs got totally scratched and bloody.
One of the many gorgeous white sand beaches of Samana Cay, Bahamas
Whisper at anchor at Samana Cay.
the beach at Samana Cay.
Hans holds up the mahi we hooked just north of Long Island yesterday morning.
Sailing along the north coast of the DR from Samana to Luperon.