the Fulmers take over Antigua
March 13, 2008
We've spent the past week hanging out with friends Ellie & Chris Fulmer who came to visit from Pennsylvania. We almost circumnavigated Antigua, starting at Jolly Harbour on the west coast and ending at Dickenson Bay about 5 miles north of Jolly Harbour. The week was filled with sailing, swimming, lobster hunting and eating, the best calzone Hans has had west of the Greenwich meridian, and a few cold beers at beach bars. Hans grilling up our first meal on the new BBQ. Thanks Hiroshi!
Chris and Hans at the helm.
Maybe this is our next sailing yacht...
United Colors of Benneton on Whisper.
snorkeling and beer: a perfect combination.
Ellie gets the wahoo ready for the grill
Chris has to settle for Spam.
Lobster dinner anyone?
Chris and Ellie taking in the sunset off Green Island on the east coast of Antigua.
Antigua is for lovers.