Titusville, Florida, Part II
December 20, 2006
Our main intention for stopping in Titusville was to pick up mail, the first of which came yesterday. Well worth the stop! A whole package of Christmas presents and goodies (including Christmas cookies) from Kristen's parents. Yum! The rest of the mail is still in transit, but we're comfortable here in Titusville as the marina is very friendly, there is a great bakery close by and one of the best grocery stores we've seen down the ICW (Publix). So, we may just stay here for Christmas solely to buy all the good food we need for our Christmas dinners (Hans celebrates on the 24th with Swedish food and Kristen celebrates on the 25th with American/English food so we're likely to put on a few pounds, can't wait!). So far on the menu for the 24th: swedish meatballs, prinskorv (little sausages), baked ham, potatoes, gravlax (cured salmon), ris a la malta (a Swedish rice pudding with whipped cream dessert) etc. etc. etc.! For the 25th: turkey (may just be a little cornish hen, stuffing, potatoes, squash, cookies, etc. etc. All to be accompanied by copious amounts of glogg!
We’re going to spend the next few days steadily working through our list of projects that we need to complete before going to the Bahamas where supplies are scarce and expensive.
We met a great family from Toronto on their boat aptly named “Snow Day”. A 30 foot Acadia with mom, dad, two kids, two dogs and a cat. And you thought we’re crazy?! They’re very friendly, relaxed and all seem really happy with what they’re doing. The kids got a trip to Disneyworld the other day and were proudly wearing their souvenir t-shirts!
Sorry, no new pictures today, but here are a couple from the past few days.
A typical house located on the waterway in Florida.
A nice, classic cruising yacht at dock north of Daytona Beach.
Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's...a blimp. Ha!
Nu har jag tagit julledigt och tänker mysa och ta det lungt fram till lördag eftermiddag då ehla högen dyker upp. Vi ser fram emot julen ocm maten och är så glad att ni också får lite jul-trots shortsväder. Njut tillsammans så hörs vi på julafton. Båten på bilden var ju inte fel-ni tänker väl inte byta upp er???;) ;)
Kram Ma
Nu har jag tagit julledigt och tänker mysa och ta det lungt fram till lördag eftermiddag då ehla högen dyker upp. Vi ser fram emot julen ocm maten och är så glad att ni också får lite jul-trots shortsväder. Njut tillsammans så hörs vi på julafton. Båten på bilden var ju inte fel-ni tänker väl inte byta upp er???;) ;)
Kram Ma
Tjena Hans Eriksson o God Jul,Merry Christmas, Felice Navidad.Här kommer julhälsningar till alla er därborta.(inkl.Kristen,KitKat o Whisper)Hälsningarna kommer Umeå,Sverige.Greetings from Umea,Sweden o Lars.Det trodde du/ni inte????Eller.Hoppas ni har det bra,njuter av att vara sjö pirater.Avundsjuk???Nä,inte jag,Hmm.Det verkar vara lite halvjobbigt(säkert lite svettigt)att vara i Florida o Karibien.Hmmm??Kommer att fortsätta att följa ert stora äventyr med intresse. Det är en hyfsad semesterresa ni gett er ut på.Hälsn.Lars =morbror/mothersbrother!!!
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